Kiyotsu Tunnel, Niigata, Japan. August 2019.

Kiyotsu Tunnel, Niigata, Japan. August 2019.

I am a writer, translator, language instructor, and language lover who started with German in high school, then discovered the Japanese language over ten years ago. I let my interest in Japanese take me away to study it during my time at university and then work in Japan for four years. I still try to keep up with German and add Norwegian to the mix, but Japanese has remained my main linguistic interest over the years.

In the small town that I lived in while working in Japan, I had the opportunity to meet great teachers and practice skills in 生け花 (flower arranging), 日本舞踊 (traditional dance), and 茶道 (tea ceremony). Of course, I also got to buy a lot of books in Japanese and don’t regret the cost and pain of shipping them all home when I moved.

I now continue to use Japanese in my teaching and writing, and I want to share my interest and skills in Japan, travel, and foreign languages. Contact me with the form below if you would like to work with me.

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