Here is a list of websites I recommend. I am not affiliated with any of these sites nor do I take responsibility for or necessarily agree with all the content they publish. I found their information useful or interesting at some point, and I try to keep this list regularly updated.

Language-learning websites and apps:

  • Duolingo - What I’ve been using for over 5 years to get a daily dose of language study in German, Norwegian, Japanese, and most recently Scottish Gaelic.

  • Tandem - A fun and free way to connect with other language learners and do language exchange.

  • LingQ - A unique self-paced and adventurous way to learn languages using real content that allows you to save and edit your own flashcards.

  • Anki - My favorite spaced-repetition flashcard app that I’ve been using for years. The iOS version allows you to add pictures and audio clips so you can make flashcards with more context.

  • HiNative - Very useful app to ask questions about the language you are studying and get answers from native speakers.

Websites I follow for inspiration:

  • The Marginalian - Inspirational articles about art and literature. I have signed up for the newsletter to get inspiration in my inbox every week.

  • Self-Compassion Coaching - Insightful articles to improve your life, including great guided meditations by my mom.

Gardening and saving seeds:

  • Diane’s Seeds - My mom’s flower seed business that’s been around for nearly 20 years. It’s a small family business providing rare and beautiful flower seeds.

  • Megan Seeds - Sister site to Diane’s Seeds featuring a variety of vegetable and herb seeds. Run by my sister.

  • Navdanya International - Organization for food sovereignty and information on the importance of knowing where your food is from and preserving small businesses.

  • J. L. Hudson, Seedsman - A seed preservation site with a great mission and selection.

Favorite shopping sites for expats living in Japan:

  • iHerb - Great site for free shipping to Japan and a large selection of health food and supplement brands and discounts.

  • The Meat Guy - Great source for meat that is harder to find in Japan such as turkey, ground beef, and sausages.